The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Kvant Group will create the innovative scientific and technological center.
This project will unite the efforts of scientific, industrial and educational organizations, build technological chains, identify critical technologies to be localized, and reduce the percentage of imports in the field of neutron and synchrotron technologies up to 30%.
Also the Kvant Group has a cooperation agreement with the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – PNPI.
The company is a manufacturer of compacted fuel storage racks for nuclear power plants
Being the controlling shareholder of the Machine-building Complex of the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, the Kvant Group has competencies and extensive experience in the field of manufacturing of non-standard equipment, technological equipment, spare parts for the nuclear, metallurgical, oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries. One of the most significant products produced at the plant are racks of compacted fuel storage for nuclear power plants, classified as critically important nuclear safety facilities of nuclear power plants.