Advanced cold neutron source


The advanced cold neutron source has been designed for the high-flux research reactor. For the cold neutron source a liquid deuterium will be used as moderator at a temperature of 20-25 K, which is the best moderator for the reactor with heavy water reflector. We expected to get the cold neutron flux density at the reactor face around 6 • 1010– 1.77 • 10 11 cm-2 • s-1 and with heat deposition 6.5-8 kW in CNS in different places of their location in heavy water reflector.

Distribution of unperturbed neutron fluxes F and heat load Qy in the reactor at 100 MW

FI – Flux density of fast neutrons E > 5 keV.

F2 – Flux density of epithermal neutrons    Reactor Neutron Beams layout

5 keV > E > 0.6 eV.

F3 – Flux density of thermal neutrons E < 0.6 eV.

CNS HEC-3 brightness and Gain

Heat remove principle

Q = К • F • ΔТ

K = 1/(1/α1+1/α2)

5.6 W/cm2

Maximum value of heat flow for direct cooling 0.25 W/cm2

CNS design key points

Neutron calculation CNS neutron performances (moderator and MC shape optimization, brightness, CN flux density, heat load)

Thermal-hydraulic calculation Moderator temperature, heat removal, CNS elements temperature

Stress analysis Stresses in CNS in-pile part at working condition

Safety analysis report Hydrogen and Nuclear safety

Heat load

Main CNS components

I – CNS Support tube

1 – Reactor tank

2 – Connecting branch PIK00.020 (support pipe)

3 -Adapter flange

II – Vacuum containment

III – Thermosiphon

Kvant group